For a nominal cost, your sponsorship will provide a child’s education including uniform, books and stationary for one year, in addition to breakfast and lunch.
Please contact us at balousa15@gmail.com to sponsor your child today!
Make a difference that will last a lifetime!
Cost: $360
According to figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, the United States spends an average of $15,621 per student for a public education every year. For a private, English language immersion school that serves students thoroughly screened as the poorest in the slums, Balo spends $360 annually. Providing these children with an education that prepares them to enter the university while teaching them English gives them a life full of opportunities that contribute to our global, thoughtful and compassionate employed adult.
$360 sponsorship per year: $0.98 per day!
Sponsoring a child allows the child to receive a private school education in English. The sponsorship covers the cost of schooling, books, notebooks, uniforms, meals, and transportation to Balo sponsored after school enrichment activities which keep children away from dangers on the streets while providing them with homework help and life skills.
Sponsorship allows donors…

- To help a child within his or her family and community
- To know the child as an individual with unique needs
- To receive updates including photos, report cards, and teachers’ news with an individual child
When you sponsor a child or children with Balo, you provide for his or her essential needs including education, medical care and daily meals at school. In addition to the annual reports you receive, you are welcome to contact us anytime to get additional updates. If you are interested, you can come to Kolkata, visit the school and neighborhood and meet the child.
The purpose of our work together is to improve the child’s living conditions and provide opportunities to break the cycle of poverty. For $0.98 perday you will help a child and improve the community. Balo enrollment peaked and stabilized at 350 students in 2022 as we now serve children through grade 12. We are small, but we are like a large family that supports each of its members. All of our staff come from the same neighborhoods as the children. We know their needs and how to intervene.
Balo is very attentive to the individual needs of each child. We teach compassion, gratitude, and respect for others. We offer a safe and loving place to study and prepare for a successful and productive adulthood which enriches our global society.