Balo USA

After meeting Betta and Liam in 2005, we kept in touch via post and email.  I followed Betta’s Balo success over the years.  In 2015 I was finally in a position to join the effort and Balo USA was formed.  We fundraise around $85,000 a year, and we hope that number continues to increase as people learn about the remarkable impact a few dollars has on the lives of the poor in India.  

In 2019, I returned with my three kids to Kolkata for the first time since 2005, and I was blown away by the incredible, life changing work and success of Balo.  It was incredible.  I can honestly say, that in my near half century of life, I have never known an organization to run as carefully and thoughtfully as Balo.    

Anne Leache, Balo USA